Grain-Free Diets – Big on marketing, Small on truth

Are you feeding a grain-free diet to your pet? Grain-free diets are one of the largest growing segments of the pet food market right now. More and more pet owners are reaching for these diets, which are billed as more natural for pets and less likely to cause health problems and allergies.

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My pet has kidney disease – what kind of diet should I feed?

While kidney disease can be a scary diagnosis, many dogs and cats can live comfortably for years with kidney disease if it is caught early enough and treated appropriately. While most drugs used to treat pets with kidney disease are only meant to reduce symptoms, feeding the right diet can have dramatic effects on survival – studies have shown that pets that eat diets designed for kidney disease can live twice as long as those who eat more typical diets.

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Heart to Heart: Optimal Nutrition for Animals with Heart Disease

Nutrition is an important part of the treatment for dogs and cats with heart disease.  In the past, when few cardiac medications were available, restriction of salt in the diet was one of the major treatments for animals with congestive heart failure and little consideration was given to other dietary factors.

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