Is it the food? Pet food-associated illness

Pet food-associated illness or “food poisoning” is rare in pets but can cause serious illness. We review some situations that should raise your suspicion for food-associated illness and the steps you should take to figure out the problem, treat your pet, and help prevent other pets from getting ill.

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Out of options? What to do if your pet’s food is out of stock

COVID-19 has caused turmoil in people’s lives this past year, but it has also had an impact on our pets’ lives, most recently because of some pet foods being temporarily out of stock. Here are some thoughts on ways to prevent running out and what to do if you do end up in that situation.

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What Is Guaranteed about the Guaranteed Analysis?

I often hear from pet owners, breeders, and even veterinarians about how they’ve selected a particular pet food based on the food’s guaranteed analysis.  The “guaranteed analysis” is required information on all dog and cat food labels and sounds very official and scientific.  While the guaranteed analysis does provide a tiny bit of information, in reality, it’s not very useful.

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The Scoop on Storing Pet Food

If you’re like most pet owners, you buy a bag of pet food, open it, and pour it into a container for storage.  But it turns out that this common practice may make your pet’s food less nutritious and potentially expose your pet to health risks.

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