
Tufts Department of Urban Environmental Policy & Planning (Medford, MA)

Teaching Assistant | SEPT 2022 – MAY 2023

Class: UEP 0293-14 Energy Policy and Decarbonization (FA 2022)

Extraction from course syllabus:

“Energy policies reflect vital social goals including national and regional security, physical and environmental health, poverty alleviation, employment creation, manufacturing
competitiveness, mobility of people and goods, and increased social justice. This course
examines energy from several policy perspectives including the role of energy in community economic development, opportunities associated with technology and policy innovation, and explores programs and policies designed to de-couple economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions.”

Class: UEP-0206: Planning for Low-Impact Development (SP 2023)

Extraction from course syllabus:

“Approaches site planning in a broad context that includes smart growth and sustainable development principles, water quality restoration, affordable housing, transportation choices, smart energy (including solar orientation and natural shading), and open space preservation. LID is a conservation-based site planning and design process that focuses on constraints and opportunities and sets aside critical open space buffers, reduces impervious surfaces and concentrates development into appropriate “building envelopes”. It also includes a broad range of green infrastructure (GI) best management practices including green roofs, bioretention, rain gardens, vegetated swales, constructed wetlands, infiltration systems and alternative wastewater management systems. These practices can reduce stormwater runoff & flooding, provide effective water quality treatment, mitigate climate change, and preserve wildlife habitat. Beyond the minimization of impacts, well designed projects can provide restoration (improvement) of environmental resources, provide needed housing and jobs, and in this sense function as “positive-impact development”.”