Tufts summer registration is currently open. If you’re a Tufts undergrad, here are some things to keep in mind if you’re considering taking summer classes here or elsewhere. Make sure to limit the number of premed requirements you take in the summer.


  • Allows you to make progress on requirements
  • May allow more focus since you are only taking one course


  • Limits time for important health-related experiences
  • Costs money
  • May not give you the mental break you need over the summer

If you take classes somewhere other than Tufts:

  • May not give you the rigorous prep you need for tests like MCAT
  • May not give you the foundation for future Tufts courses
  • You will need to transfer the credits

Transfer Credit Process

  • Log on to SIS, then Classes, then Request a Transfer Credit
  • University must be must be a four-year bachelor’s degree-granting institution, and the course may not be distance-learning
  • Earn a C- or better and then have an official transcript sent to the Tufts registrar
  • Transfer credit is ONLY the credit, NOT the grade. You will send the original school transcript to med, dent, vet and other schools when you apply, and the grade will be part of your total undergraduate application record.

Tisch Library entrance at Tufts

By HereToHelp (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons