
Peer-reviewed publications

Herforth, A. W., R. Gilbert, K. Sokourenko, T. Fatima, O. Adeyemi, D. Alemayehu, E. Arhin, et al. 2024. “Monitoring the Cost and Affordability of a Healthy Diet within Countries: Building Systems in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Viet Nam.” Current Developments in Nutrition, 104441.

Gilbert, R., L. Costlow, J. Matteson, J. Rauschendorfer, E. Krivonos, S.A. Block, and W.A. Masters. 2024. “Trade Policy Reform, Retail Food Prices and Access to Healthy Diets Worldwide.” World Development 177: 106535.

Mekonnen, D.A., O. Adeyemi, R. Gilbert, D. Akerele, T. Achterbosch, and A. Herforth. 2023. “Affordability of Healthy Diets Is Associated with Increased Food Systems Performance in Nigeria: State-Level Analysis.” Agricultural and Food Economics 11, no. 1: 21.

Schmidt, E., P. Dorosh, and R. Gilbert. 2021. “Impacts of COVID-19 Induced Income and Rice Price Shocks on Household Welfare in Papua New Guinea: Household Model Estimates.” Agricultural Economics 52 (3): 391–406.

Schmidt, E., R. Gilbert, B. Holtemeyer, and K. Mahrt. 2021. “Poverty Analysis in the Lowlands of Papua New Guinea Underscores Climate Vulnerability and Need for Income Flexibility.” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 65 (1): 171–91.

Working Papers and Reports

Aberman, N., D.S. Kufoalor, and R. Gilbert. 2021. “Mapping the Implementation Process for Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution under Ghana’s Planting for Food and Jobs Program.” GSSP Working Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.

Davis, K. E.; J. Gammelgaard, J. Preissing, R. Gilbert, and H. Ngwenya. 2021. Investing in farmers: Agriculture human capital investment strategies. FAO, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Duchoslav, J.; E. Kenamu, R. Gilbert, B. Baulch, G. Palloni, and D.O. Gilligan. 2020. Building resilience and adaptation to climate change in Malawi: Quantitative baseline report. MaSSP Report May 2020. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Gilbert, R.; T. Benson, and O. Ecker. 2019. “Are Malawian Diets Changing? An assessment of nutrient consumption and dietary patterns using household-level evidence from 2010/11 and 2016/17”. MaSSP Working Paper 30. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Gilbert, R., B. Subedi, J. Wallingford, N. Wilson, and W.A. Masters. 2019. “Nutrient and mycotoxin content of commercially-sold premixed infant cereals in Malawi.” MaSSP Working Paper 28. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Schmidt, E., R. Gilbert, B. Holtemeyer, and K. Mahrt. 2019. Poverty prevalence and correlates of household expenditure in four lowland areas of rural Papua New Guinea. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1863. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Schmidt, E., R. Gilbert, B. Holtemeyer, G. Rosenbach, and T. Benson. 2019. Papua New Guinea survey report: Rural household survey on food systems. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1801. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).