Students and faculty in the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning have been studying the public transit system in Worcester for several years and have developed preliminary proposals for establishing a novel enhancement to the current WRTA system. Irregular service, combined with slow traffic (further exacerbated during commuting hours), means that Worcester residents are experiencing challenging mobility, with the poorest and most disadvantaged particularly impacted.

Check out this Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Suitability Analysis that a Tufts graduate student conducted a few years ago: BRT in Worcester, MA

This project will support the Tufts team and our community partners to prepare a detailed formal proposal for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Worcester to address these injustices and create a fairer and more inclusive transportation system. We are currently partnering with the Worcester Caribbean American Carnival Association (WACA), Strong Towns Worcester, and others.  The proposal will be developed with input from a range of community-based organizations and government agencies in Worcester. The final proposal will be disseminated widely through a campaign to implement Bus Rapid Transit in Worcester.