Lamontagne Lab Members

Principal Investigator, Jonathan Lamontagne
Jonathan Lamontagne received his MS and PhD in environmental water resources systems analysis from Cornell University in 2014 and 2015, respectively. His graduate studies focused on flood frequency analysis and the incorporation of uncertainty in hydropower systems planning. Following his graduate studies, Lamontagne worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Cornell University, studying uncertainty and robustness issues for models of the integrated human-climate system. He joined the Tufts Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2017.
Postdoctoral Fellows

Gi Joo Kim
Joo received his PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea in 2022. His PhD research focused on both deriving theoretical improvements in reservoir operations and applying them in real-world reservoir management. After working as a postdoctoral researcher at Seoul National University in 2022, Joo joined the Lamontagne Lab in June 2023. His current research focuses on using scenario discovery tools to understand the complex dynamics among multiple sectors in global human-Earth systems
Graduate Students

Jacob Wessel
Jake is a fourth year PhD student. His research interests include energy systems modeling under uncertainty and low-carbon electricity futures. He is interested in better understanding how detailed energy systems models can be incorporated into food-energy-water nexus frameworks to inform decision making and better characterize uncertainty. Jake received his master’s degree in Civil Engineering from North Carolina State University, investigating future grid scenarios of the U.S. West Coast power system under stationary weather uncertainty. He received his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University.

Catherine Knox
Catherine is a fourth year PhD candidate in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering and is co-advised by Dr. Shafiqul Islam and Dr. Jonathan Lamontagne. Her work focuses on improving decision-making in complex and collective action problems. She explores this in two distinct ways: first, through a project that synthesizes consensus-based approaches with decision-making under deep uncertainty to address uncertainty and ambiguity; and second, through the development of an agent-based model to explore the effects of regionalization on sea level rise adaptation outcomes. Catherine holds a B.S. in Environmental Engineering with a minor in International Relations from the University of Southern California. She also completed an M.S. in Environment and Resource Management at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands, where her thesis work contributed to an agent-based model on water-driven migration in Southern Iraq.

Benjamin Manoli
Ben is a second year PhD student. His interests include renewable energy and climate change mitigation. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Connecticut.

Isaac Thompson
Isaac is a second year PhD student. He received his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and worked as a post-bachelors research assistant at the Joint Global Change Research Institute. He is interested in studying the interplay between water, energy, and food systems.

David Koval
David is a first-year PhD Student. He received his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and Mathematics from Tufts University in 2024. He’s interested in stochastic hydrology and risk-based decision making.
Undergraduate Students

Ella Erskine
Ella is a fourth-year undergraduate studying geological science and environmental science. She is interested in hydrologic modeling and fluvial impacts on infrastructure resilience.
Lab Alumni
Postdoctoral Scholars
Name | Research Focus | Year | Current Position |
Franklyn Kanyako | Environmental decision-making under uncertainty | 2021-2023 | Research Area Specialist on Negative Emissions Technologies, University of Michigan SEAS |
PhD and Masters
Name | RESEARCH FOCUS | Degree Earned | Current Position |
Abigail Birnbaum | Risk and uncertainty in water resources | PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering (2024) | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Ghazal Shabestanipour | Stochastic watershed modeling and statistical hydrology | PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering (2024) | Cedars-Sinai |
Flannery Dolan | Economic impacts of water and land scarcity | PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering (2022) | Associate Engineer, RAND Corporation |
Gregory Coyle | Probabilistic programming and data-driven modeling | MEng, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (2021) | Water Analytics Engineer, Brown and Caldwell |
Caitline Barber | Hydrologic statistics | MS Civil and Environmental Engineering (2020) |
Name | RESEARCH FOCUS | Degree Earned | Current Position |
Molly Alcorn (Cataldo scholar 2023-2024) | Climate impacted food and energy prices | BS Civil Engineering (2024) | Master’s student at UNC Chapel Hill |
Mitch Browne (Cataldo scholar 2022-2023) | Sea level rise | BS Civil Engineering (2023) | |
Plearn Aroonchote | Reservoir operations | BS Environmental Engineering (2021) | |
Mateo Gomez (Cataldo scholar 2020-2021) | Multisector drivers of water scarcity | BS Environmental Engineering (2021) | PhD student at UC Berkeley |
Myisha Majumder | Integrated assessment modeling | BS Civil Engineering/Quantitative Economics (2021) | |
Sean Murphy (Cataldo scholar 2019-2020) | Battery optimization | BS Civil Engineering (2020) | Design Engineer, Nexamp |
Jonas Procton (Cataldo scholar 2018-2019) | Offshore wind development impacts on energy grid | BS Civil Engineering (2019) | Design Engineer, Horsley Witten Group |