From Specialist to Coach

From Specialist to Coach: How TEEP Helped a Science Teacher Become an Engineer
By Magee Shalhoub, Program Administrator
Recently we had a chance to sit down with Sue Smith, a past student in the Teachers Engineering Education Program (TEEP) and a K-5 science teacher at Salem Elementary, to learn about how she enjoyed this unique program. Sue decided to apply to TEEP after being promoted to the STEM coach at her school and realizing that she had no experience with teaching engineering concepts or activities. She states that this program
not only gave her the framework to implement engineering education in her school but helped her to connect with her kids as she was thrown back in to the student role and mindset. Since the program, Sue has created a festival at her school in which students have to engineer solutions to problems fairy tale characters face, incorporating both her new engineering education and her experience in the arts. Click the link below to watch the full interview!