NOTE: You can also use the steps below for publishing any other news as a post.  Just make sure you use the “TWL News” category instead of the “Meetings” category, and add a “news” tag.


How to add meeting minutes and presentations to the new TWL website?

1 – Login to with your user name and password

2 – Go to My Sites -> Tufts Wireless Lab->Dashboard



3  – Go to Posts -> Add New



4 – Store presentations in Tufts Box and get a link to share them at the TWL website when setting link. Creating a Tufts Box account is straightforward and free. We might want to discuss creating one box account for the TWL instead of storing the presentations in our individual accounts.


5 – Write the minutes, with the following format:

  • Title (i.e. October 5th 2016 – TWL Meeting Minutes)
  • Minutes
  • Links to Presentations (stored in Tufts box, see step 4)
  • Add to Meetings category (if you forget this step, the post will not be visible under the Meetings menu)
  • Add a tag called “meetings”


6 – Publish the post using the blue Publish button on the right side.

7- Your new meeting minutes post is ready to be viewed in the “Meetings” menu and also at the following link:
