Our strategic plan for Tufts Cochrane Affiliate for 2021 and 2022 academic years are based on five core goals:
Goal one: To produce high-quality, relevant, up-to-date systematic reviews and other synthesized research evidence to inform health decision-making
Goal two: To train and mentor skilled professional systematic review authors
Goal three: Making our Evidence Accessible
Goal Four: Advocating for Evidence
Goal Five: Building an Effective and Sustainable Organization
Based on these goals, the following strategic plan is designed:
Functional Area | How this function will be delivered |
To produce high-quality, relevant, up-to-date systematic reviews and other synthesized research evidence to inform health decision-making | We will produce 3-5 priority reviews each year and will work with stakeholders to widely publicize them, including publication of summaries of the reviews in the leading journals of the area and dissemination into the media and social media venues. We will additionally work with conference planners to present work at national scientific meetings. |
To train and mentor skilled professionals to produce systematic reviews | We will conduct two training per year (July and October) and invite students, faculty, clinicians at Tufts and from US and other parts of the world. Training will be conducted by Cochrane trainers and members of Tufts faculty. |
To disseminate Cochrane Reviews locally based on stakeholder networks, the media and other communications channels | We will endeavor to disseminate Cochrane systematic reviews in various formats including but not limited to social media, summaries published on Tufts websites, newsletters, and relevant scientific journals to address policy makers, consumers, clinicians and researchers. |
To promote Cochrane and its work in their country | We will build awareness of Cochrane by working with key stakeholders such as professional bodies and attending relevant national conferences. We will develop a partnership with our national guideline developer to increase the usage of Cochrane Reviews in our national guidelines. |
To support and develop the community of Cochrane members in their country | We anticipate close collaboration with the University of Michigan (Dr. Joel Gagnier, Cochrane methodologist), Indiana University (Dr. David Haas), Prof. Jean-Marie Guise (Oregon Health & Science University) who is also a director of Cochrane US West, Dr. Donal O’Mathuna (Director of Cochrane Affiliate at State Ohio University). The faculty members of these institutions will collaborate for review production and other academic designated tasks. Potential collaboration with other high-ranked universities in the Boston Region is anticipated (e.g., Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute [CTSI] partners: https://www.tuftsctsi.org/about-us/our-partners/). Systematic review training- conduct 1-2 workshops per year in different geographic locations within the U.S. Work with key stakeholders to develop a list of key new reviews and reviews needing updating to develop the most up-to-date evidence base for clinical care and population health. Perform critical reviews and updates. Promote these findings and processes through presentations and publications. |