Outside Doors to Joseph Kelley, D.V.M. Simulation Lab Now Unlocked 8 am to 5 pm Mon – Fri

We’re aware that the outside doors have been malfunctioning and making it difficult to get into the building, so effective today, the outside doors will now be unlocked every day during the week from 8 am to 5 pm. After these hours, they will continue to be locked and will require that you swipe your ID to enter.

Hopefully, this helps alleviate some of the frustration of entering during the highest-volume hours of the day, and we will continue to work with facilities to try to find a way to repair the doors so that they are less prone to failure during after-hours. In the meantime, if you swipe in and are not able to open the doors, please try again once the card sensor turns red again and stops flashing.