Registration Form

School Information

Information about your school
What is the name of the participating high school?
What is the physical address of the participating school?
What is the MAIN phone number of the participating school?

Chaperone Information

Information about the chaperone. Only one chaperone is required per school.
What is the name of the chaperone?
What is the cellphone number of the chaperone? This information will only be used to contact the chaperone if necessary, as in an emergency.
What is the email address of the chaperone? This information will only be used to contact the chaperone if necessary, as in an emergency.

Team Information

Information about each team. Tufts allows a maximum of one (1) team to represent each school. If your school has more than one (1) team that would like to participate, please send a message to us using the website.
What is the name of the team?
What is the email address of the team leader?
What is the name of team member 1? If you have a team leader, this value should be your team leader's name.
What is the name of team member 2?
What is the name of team member 3?
What is the name of team member 4?
What is the name of team member 5?
What is the name of team member6?

12 thoughts on “Online Registration Form

  1. My group in Newton South high school wants to register the new England regional ethics bowl hosted by TUFTS university.
    Thank you!

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