Experimental Design for Biologists

On the Shelf…

For work…

Experimental Design for Biologists

Experimental Design for Biologists, by David Glass

Location: HHSL Book Stacks, Sackler, 5th Floor, QH 323.5 G549e 2014

This handbook is designed to teach the fundamentals of experimental design.  The author, who is the executive director of the Muscle Diseases and Aging Initiative at the Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, held a workshop on campus in May.

And leisure…

The Summer Before the War

The Summer Before the War, by Helen Simonson

Location: HHSL Leisure Reading, Sackler, 4th Floor, Fiction S611s 2016

Set in an English village on the cusp of World War I, this novel tells the story of a woman selected to be the first female Latin teacher in the local school.  A little ponderous and predictable, but an easy summer read.