Museum Studies at Tufts University

Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

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For the Museumgoer With SAD

I’m sure that everyone has adapted (maybe begrudgingly so) to the 5pm darkness and the beginnings of coat weather, but what makes me a fan of this time of year is the cozy spots to curl up in and the ease of making indoor plans. This is all fun and exciting in the beginning….


…until Seasonal Affective Disorder hits. 


Every year, humans of the northern hemisphere experience less sunlight in the winter and find their moods lower as a result. While this time of year is marketed as a time of joy and cheer, sometimes it can be hard to access with upcoming deadlines, exams, or just general end of year chaos. In short, sometimes we all need a good cold weather cry. 


Remember when I said I once cried in the Met? I was a sophomore in college in NYC and had a very rough week – deadlines were coming up, there was friend and family drama, it felt like the world was closing in. So I went to the place that made me happiest in the city: the Degas gallery in the Met. But somehow even the ballerinas couldn’t cheer me up. I wandered the galleries on that quiet Thursday morning until I found myself in front of a giant stone Buddha. I sat on the bench in front of it and sobbed for a few minutes. A guard came over and we discussed art and why I loved museums so much. Because of that day, I decided that I wanted to teach in museums and help others to find the same comfort that I find in them. 


Since that day, I have been compiling a list of top spots to let it out in museums I have visited, as well as spots friends have told me about. This is one iteration of that list, primarily based here in MA. Places that are free are marked with an asterisk. 

  • The New England Aquarium

It’s no Mystic, but it has plenty of dim lighting and enough constant chatter that a sob here and there won’t be too out of the realm of reason for other patrons. If you go on a weekend, odds are there is a small child crying somewhere in the building. You’ll have a buddy!

  • Museum of Fine Arts

There are so many nooks and crannies in this place that would be perfect for a little cry. My personal recommendation is the Shapiro Courtyard or the bathrooms just down the stairs from there. The mummy gallery is also a good spot – low lighting, a macabre vibe, and fewer people. 

  • Paul Revere House

Maybe I’m biased because I work there, but I find the site comforting. The house has seen hundreds of years of foot traffic, and there is a great classroom on the ground floor of the visitor’s center that doesn’t see much traffic and can offer a space out of sight for the private breakdown.

  • Peabody Essex Museum

This is one cool museum with a lot going on. Personally, I would recommend the maritime galleries. There are little pods where you can watch a video about a specific piece and are just private enough. The first gallery also has a great soundscape and fun lights. If you are someone who loves boats, this is a great place to cry in a super cool town. Bonus points if you go at this time of year when Salem is quiet.

  • Harvard Art Museums*

With a great cafe (try the lemonade!) and thousands of years of history and art, you can’t go wrong with HAM. There are many galleries with audio installations, but my personal favorite quiet place is in gallery 1610 where there is a big golden ball in the middle of the space. There’s something calm and contemplative about being in a space with several depictions of Buddha.

  • Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

It may seem a bit off the beaten path, but hear me out. Yes, this is a busy and occasionally cramped museum. However, there are 3 spots I would say could be good for a cry. The first is the hallway where the bathrooms are in the older building. The second is by the coat check in the new building, and the third is the back part of the contemporary gallery space. Often this is where the museum poses questions to visitors about their interpretations of the works on display.

  • USS Constitution Museum

Something about boats, revolution, and the inevitable earworm of “My Heart Will Go On” make this a good spot. The wind can get you pretty hard when you stand on deck. You’re not crying, the Boston weather is just mean. 

  • New England Ski Museum*

Located at the base of Cannon Mountain in Franconia, NH, this volunteer-run establishment is just yards from the oldest aerial tramway in the country. Go see some snow, maybe take a ride to the top and have a Sunday morning cinnamon roll at 4080’. The exhibits in the museum are pretty cool too!

  • Mystic Seaport

There are so many places to go and buildings that are just fun. You can learn about maritime industries, build a boat out of wood scraps, or just play pretend in the apothecary. Lots of great private spots, and some cool things to hear about – the admission will certainly convince you to spend a day there. 

  • Addison Gallery of American Art*

Every few months, the museum changes all of its galleries and exhibition spaces. There is a great library with a book ladder a la Beauty and the Beast (tragically it doesn’t move like it does in the movies) and some comfy green chairs that migrate throughout the galleries. Currently they are in the largest upstairs gallery. The town of Andover is also very walkable and has several fun little spots to eat, some greenery to experience, and some great small businesses. 

Museum Job Roundup 11/27/23

Welcome to the weekly roundup! We do our best to collect the latest job openings and welcome submissions from the community. For more opportunities, we recommend the following databases:






Note from the Editors

As we approach the end of Native American Heritage Month, we recognize the continuing effects of settler colonialism and genocide on Native people. We also want to recognize the power, resiliency, and leadership of so many Indigenous people. We encourage you to take the opportunity to reflect and learn more about the issues facing Native people as well as how we can all be allies in advocating for Indigenous sovereignty and human rights. Museums are not and have never been neutral. It is the opinion of the Tufts Museums Studies Blog that museums must take a stand on issues of human rights and become sites of activism as well as safe and welcoming spaces to discuss fraught issues. 


The TMSB Editorial Team

Museum Job Roundup 11/20/23

Welcome to the weekly roundup! We do our best to collect the latest job openings and welcome submissions from the community. For more opportunities, we recommend the following databases:






We Need to Talk About NAGPRA: Noncompliance & Cultural Affiliation

Previously, we discussed what the Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act is and what it requires of museums and other institutions. NAGPRA is a federal law, so why do tens of thousands of ancestors and countless Native belongings remain unavailable for repatriation? Many institutions have massive numbers of Native Ancestors in their collections, not to mention funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. In 1989, the Smithsonian Institution alone had 18,500 ancestors in its custody.[1] This has made repatriating ancestors a massive undertaking, requiring immense time, labor, and expertise. Beyond logistics, many academics argued that Native ancestors should be studied for the sake of science and education.[2] While this belief is not widely held today, the repercussions of this logic are still felt. Based on this argument, some institutions dragged their feet, resulting in today’s massive backlogs.

Many institutions are NAGPRA compliant or have made good-faith efforts to become compliant. However, some institutions had a vested interest in avoiding NAGPRA compliance. But how was and is that possible? There are two big elements of NAGPRA that have allowed non-compliant museums to fly under the radar: who NAGPRA applies to and how it is enforced. In my previous article, I discussed to whom NAGPRA applies: museums and government agencies. However, the way in which NAGPRA defines museums left a loophole. The statute states that “Museum means any institution or State or local government agency (including any institution of higher learning) that has possession of, or control over, human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony and receives Federal funds.”[3] What this has meant in practice is that only museums & institutions which have accepted federal, or state funding must comply. This resulted in some museums which had not already accepted federal funding not applying for funding in the future in order to avoid becoming subject to NAGPRA. These museums and institutions represent a significant gap in the data regarding ancestors and objects covered by NAGPRA held in museum collections. Databases like the one created by ProPublica depend on data published in inventories and summaries. Institutions that have not submitted inventories can often avoid public accountability.

The second element that has allowed some museums to avoid NAGPRA compliance is how the regulations are enforced. Enforcement and penalties for non-compliance are entirely dependent on individuals or groups officially reporting the failure of an institution to comply.[4] There are no regular or random inspections for NAGPRA compliance by the Department of the Interior. Furthermore, the civil penalties that museums face are minimal in practice. As of April 2022, only 20 institutions had been fined for non-compliance, with an average fine of only $2,955 per institution.[5] Essentially, the law has no teeth. 

Some museums have also acted in bad faith by complying with the letter of the law but not the true intent. One example of this is ‘culturally unidentifiable’ objects. In the past, museums claimed that they could not repatriate ancestors and funerary objects because they could not determine a cultural affiliation and designated ancestors as ‘culturally unidentifiable,’ or CUI.[6] Some museums set arbitrary dates to limit cultural affiliation. The Illinois State Museum set a guideline that “any individual buried prior to 1673, the date the first Europeans arrived in the State of Illinois, was not subject to NAGPRA.”[7] In 2010, the Department of the Interior enacted a new regulation that allows for culturally unidentifiable human remains and associated funerary objects to be repatriated. However, this rule does not cover unassociated funerary objects.[8]

But what is cultural affiliation and why is it so complicated? According to the NAGPRA regulations, “cultural affiliation means that there is a relationship of shared group identity that can be reasonably traced historically or prehistorically between members of a present-day Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization and an identifiable earlier group.”[9] Essentially, culturally affiliating something is determining what specific Native American culture an item originated with and the modern Native nations who might have a claim. You do not have to prove cultural affiliation definitively. The standard is “a preponderance of evidence,” meaning that there is substantial evidence to support your conclusion. There are different types of evidence that can be used to support cultural affiliation, such geographic affiliation, kinship, biological, archeological, anthropological, linguistic, folklore, oral traditions, and historical evidence. In recent years, more weight has been given to traditional Native knowledge and beliefs and the proposed new regulations codify that.

So why are there so many CUI ancestors and objects in museums? How do you not know where an object or person came from? It’s a lot easier than you’d think. Native belongings have entered museum collections through a variety of colonial pathways, including “inequitable trade, ‘expeditions’, looting, and theft.[10] All of these pathways often work to obscure the provenance of items. The actions of anthropologists, museums, academic institutions, and the United States government all contributed to unethical collections lacking provenance. Shortly after the Civil War, the Surgeon General’s Order of 1868 was passed. Grave robbing of Native graves existed long before this, but this order enshrined such acts in federal policy, ordering soldiers and other army employees to unethically obtain remains for the Army Medical Museum.[11]Adding insult to injury, Native remains, particularly skulls, were used to support bunk race sciences like phrenology to justify settler colonialism and genocide.[12] Other justifications such salvage ethnography, and ‘preserving evidence extinct races’ abounded.[13] In 1906, the government even designated Native remains as “federal property” with the Antiquities Act.[14] Grave robbing combined with poorly documented archaeology resulted in large collections of human remains and objects with virtually no documentation.

To be very clear, not all museums, in fact, I would say most are not engaged in Machiavellian scheming to avoid NAGPRA compliance. Today’s museum professionals have often inherited collections management disasters decades in the making. I know of at least one museum professional who was told the museum was NAGPRA compliant. A sort of oral history surrounding NAGPRA compliance existed. However, further research revealed that no documentation or inventories existed in the museum’s records. Upon contacting National NAGPRA, they found that the museum had never submitted an inventory. Many museums don’t realize they are noncompliant or that they are subject to NAGPRA. Cultural affiliation is also challenging and nuanced work, requiring expertise, labor, and funding. Resistance to NAGPRA and cultural affiliation is fading, but the road to compliance remains rocky. For more information on the Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act, I highly recommend NAGPRA Comics. These comics tell true stories of repatriation under NAGPRA and are collaborative in community-based.

[1] Jack F. Trope, “The Case for NAGPRA,” in Accomplishing NAGPRA: Perspectives on the Intent, Impact, and Future of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 2013), 24.

[2] Devon A. Mihesuah, “American Indians, Anthropologists, Pothunters, and Repatriation: Ethical, Religious, and Political Differences,” in Repatriation Reader: Who Owns American Indian Remains, ed. Devon A. Mihesuah (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), 123–68.

[3] 43 CFR § 10.2 (d)(2),

[4] “Civil Penalties – Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act,” National Park Service, October 14, 2020,

[5] Mary Hudetz and Graham Lee Brewer, “Senate Committee Probes Top Universities, Museums Over Failures to Repatriate Human Remains,” ProPublica, April 21, 2023,

[6] Logan Jaffe Brewer et al., “America’s Biggest Museums Fail to Return Native American Human Remains,” ProPublica, January 11, 2023,

[7] Laurie W. Rush, “It’s Personal: My Lifetime Lessons Protecting Ancestors,” Indian Affairs Journal 192, no. Spring/Summer (2023): 6–8.


[9] 43 CFR 10.2 (d)(4),

[10] Brandie Macdonald, “Pausing, Reflection, and Action: Decolonizing Museum Practices,” Journal of Museum Education 47, no. 1 (January 2, 2022): 8–17,

[11] Jack F. Trope and Walter R. Echo-Hawk, “The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act: Background and Legislative History,” in Repatriation Reader: Who Owns American Indian Remains, ed. Devon A. Mihesuah (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), 126;  Jack F. Trope, “The Case for NAGPRA,” in Accomplishing NAGPRA: Perspectives on the Intent, Impact, and Future of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 2013), 22.

[12] Logan Jaffe Brewer et al., “America’s Biggest Museums Fail to Return Native American Human Remains,” ProPublica, January 11, 2023,; Jack F. Trope and Walter R. Echo-Hawk, “The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act: Background and Legislative History,” in Repatriation Reader: Who Owns American Indian Remains, ed. Devon A. Mihesuah (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), 126.

[13] Logan Jaffe Brewer et al., “America’s Biggest Museums Fail to Return Native American Human Remains,” ProPublica, January 11, 2023,

[14]  Jack F. Trope and Walter R. Echo-Hawk, “The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act: Background and Legislative History,” in Repatriation Reader: Who Owns American Indian Remains, ed. Devon A. Mihesuah (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), 127;  Jack F. Trope, “The Case for NAGPRA,” in Accomplishing NAGPRA: Perspectives on the Intent, Impact, and Future of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 2013), 22.

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