Features available for beta testing with selected texts in TEI-A XML
- Emendations to the XML of entire manuscripts.
- Emendations to the XML of individual citations.
- Citation selection interface which offers a choice between editing the XML of that citation, or adding/updating/deleting annotations for that citation.
- Annotation interface which automatically creates CTS-urn enabled URIs for annotation targets and annotation bodies.
- support for viewing target citation text and selecting one or more target subreference ranges from that text.
- support for retrieving sources for annotations from registered CTS repositories and selecting a subreference range in the source citation text as the annotation body.
- Preview for texts, citations and annotations
- Submission of text and annotation changes for board approval and merging to the master repository.
Known Issues
- Performance is still too slow, particularly for large texts.
- The exact syntax for Annotation URIs (the annotations themselves, not the targets/bodies) and for the annotation creators is not definitive.
- Annotation target and body URIs which reference subreferences and passage ranges are not yet resolvable as published (i.e. the Perseus CTS interface which services the http://data.perseus.org/citations uri space does not support passage subreferences or passage ranges yet).
- The annotation interface doesn’t fully support fragments where there is a many-to-many relationship between the words in the annotation target and the words in the annotation source (e.g. see http://demo.fragmentarytexts.org/en/athenaeus/ath-deipn-619-a-hdt-2151.html). This type of annotation can’t be represented directly in OAC via use of CTS-enabled URIs, but could be accommodated via the annotations created by a tool like the Alpheios Alignment editor. See the Roadmap below for plans to integrate additional annotation tools.
- You cannot selectively submit individual citations or annotations from a publication – it’s all or nothing.
- Likewise, you cannot selectively *approve* individual citations or annotations from a publication.
- Testing has only been done on the latest version of Firefox
- The Board approval interface is not designed well for working with many citations or annotations on a single submission.
Changes and features on the future roadmap
- A CTS namespace change is pending. Perseus texts will be moving off of the greekLang and latinLang namespace to greekLit and latinLit.
- The ability to select a citation range as the target of an annotation.
- Support for working with translations of TEI texts.
- The ability to ingest and correct automatically created annotations.
- The ability to deal with versioning conflicts across annotations and the source texts (e.g. when a change to a text will invalidate annotations on that text such as when a word referenced in a passage subreference for an annotation URI is changed in the source).
- Integration with the Perseus FRBR catalog.
- Links from Perseus to SoSOL (will be enabled on a limited basis for the Athenaeus hackathon)
- Updated help and documentation.
- Passage range and subreference support in the CTS interface at http://data.perseus.org/citations
- Integration with specialized annotation tools for creating more complex annotations, such as the Alpheios Treebank and Alignment editors.