Update: Problems with Perseus 4 and work towards Perseus 6

Gregory Crane

July 26, 2024

Our colleague at Tufts Technology Services found time during his vacation in Japan to look into the issues with Perseus. It turns out that we have been getting hit with a new set of bots irresponsibly scraping data. These put such a strain on the systems that the weblogs began to fill up the virtual machines that run Perseus — something that is not easy to do. Most users interact with different virtual machines as they move around Perseus. When users found that Perseus was not responding, they were hitting virtual machines that had been filled up and were not functioning properly.

Our colleague took a number of steps to ameliorate the situation.

Tufts Technology Services (in its various names and incarnations) has supported Perseus on the Web since David A. Smith created the first web-based version of Perseus in 1995. If we wanted to provide 24/7 support, we would obviously need a different model. I remain grateful to Tufts for providing the support that it has for almost thirty years.

July 23, 2024

All users of the current Perseus Digital Library (Perseus 4: the Hopper) will have experienced frustrating error messages. Tufts runs Perseus on multiple virtual machines. Tufts moved Perseus to new real machines and that may have contributed to the issue (although it is not clear to us why simply moving to new hardware will have caused problems when the virtual machines have not changed). We have, however, also found that these virtual machines have experienced unusual spikes in traffic and the local server logs have actually filled up the local servers, causing them to freeze. Our collaborator on this at Tufts has been very helpful but is on vacation for the next couple of weeks. The Crowdstrike disaster from last week also was a major drain on the Tufts’ system administrators who are here (2,000 Tufts Windows machines were affected). We will do what we can with those who are available as quickly as possible. We apologize for the disruptions that all of us experience. 

The Scaife Viewer does not offer all the services to which Perseus users are accustomed but it does provide basic access to a large body of Greek and Latin texts and translations. The Perseus 4 Greek and Roman collection page also contains links to the Scaife versions.

Our main focus is, and has been for the last two years, creating a new version of Perseus, which we consider to be Perseus 6. Where the Scaife Viewer, built on a new code base, provided us with a much more easily expanded framework for publishing core textual data, a NEH Digital Humanities Grant allowed us to develop Beyond Translation and, in so doing, to learn how to integrate many types of data, including classes of annotation (such as Treebanks and Translation Alignments). We view Scaife and Beyond Translation together as a Perseus 5.0. You can see features implemented in Beyond Translation and read a white paper about the work that has been done.

 Support from the NEH Humanities Collections and Reference Resources program has provided support to integrate the scalability of the Scaife Viewer with the flexibility of Beyond Translation.  We are fifteen months into this new three year Perseus on the Web: preparing for the next Thirty Years.

We are moving as quickly as we can (and have accelerated our work to the extent possible)  to complete a working version of Perseus 6. Our lead collaborator, James Tauber of Signum University, has made great progress on a backend that can manage the data in Scaife and Beyond Translation and that can be rapidly expanded. He is moving to the frontend. We hope to begin replacing components of Perseus 4 in the coming month.  We are currently planning to test a prototype version of the Perseus Word Study Tool. 

Looking further down the line (and beyond what we can do in our current project), the next step for Perseus would be to create what we are calling a Portable Perseus. This would be a version of Perseus based on the simplest technology base possible. This would not even require a database – all links and all visualizations would be pre-computed. The Canadian Endings Project has proposed restricting implementation to widely supported technologies such as HTML5, CSS and Javascript (without dependence on libraries that may cease to run over time). The price would be flexibility: you would only be able to perform functions that we had anticipated and run services that we could implement in this simpler ecosystem. At the same time, we believe we can represent the vast majority of services from Perseus 4 in such a minimal computing framework. Such a version of Perseus could be downloaded and run locally. It would be much faster and would be structured to run for a very long time without needing to be modified. David Mimno first developed Perseus 4 in 2003 and Bridget Almas completed work on the current version ten years later in 2013. Our hope is that a Portable Perseus could run much longer.

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Towards a new Perseus: Update

Gregory Crane
Editor-in-Chief, Perseus Digital Library
Update as of January 19, 2024.

We have now completed work on Beyond Translation (a draft white paper on this work that has been submitted to the NEH Office of Digital Humanities is available here) and are focused on using the Beyond Translation work as part of an update to the Scaife Viewer. The resulting system will finally allow us to replace Perseus 4. We are calling the new version Perseus 6 (rather than 5) to reflect the amount of work embedded in the Scaife Viewer and now Beyond Translation (which we view collectively as Perseus 5). A grant from the NEH Collections and References program in the NEH Division of Preservation and Access for Perseus on the Web — preparing for the next thirty years provides the primary support for this phase of work, with additional support from the Tufts Data Intensive Studies Center, the School of Arts and Sciences, Tufts Technology Services and Google.

Our main collaborator in this phase of development is James Tauber, who is now working with Signum University. We also are waiting on Tufts administrative paperwork to finalize a contract with another group to help us reorganize the Perseus home (and associated sub pages) and replace this WordPress-based blog with the Pubpub Publishing Platform (which we already began using in documenting Beyond Translation.

A draft outline of the work that we are doing is now available here.

For now, the focus of work is to fold the services visible on Beyond Translation into the Scaife Viewer. The first results from that work will probably documentation, with changes to the Scaife Viewer following.

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Draft NEH White Paper for Beyond Translation


The Office of Digital Humanities at the National Endowment for the Humanities asks its projects to submit white papers after completing a project. We have posted a draft of the White Paper for Beyond Translation here and invite suggestions as we finalize our work.

dNext up: a formal description of plans to replace Perseus 4. We secured the last chunk of funding needed shortly before the winter break. Once we finalize this report on what we have done, we will provide more details on what we are doing.

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Towards the Next Perseus: mid-fall update

A lot of work continues to go on behind the scenes as we move to replace the current Perseus 4.0 (the Hopper). Our goal is to finish the transition by fall 2024, with new functionality folded into the Scaife Viewer until this can fully take the place of the now venerable system. Those who are more technically inclined can follow much of what is being done by tracking issues on the Beyond Translation Github site.

New functionality includes support for new kinds of annotations such as treebanks, translations aligned at the word and phrase level, automatic mapping, visualization of meter etc. You can see a summary of these new features and enhancements here.

New functionality for Scaife also includes addition of services to which users have been long accustomed in Perseus, with support for commentaries been at the top of the list. We are also finishing a long-term backlog of texts for which the structural markup requires some manual intervention(as well as programmatic reformatting).

At the moment we are preparing to sign a contract to replace the Perseus home page and associated data. Our plan is to replace the Word Press platform (which I am currently using) with a different publishing platform, which is much better suited to academic publication. It supports not footnotes, automatically generates citation information and allows us to include interactive visualizations. We will have more to say as soon as the contract is signed.

Our plan is to have more substantive information about what we are doing by the end of the December (i..e., a few weeks after a busy semester starts).

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Yet more Lucian: translations by Emily James Smith

In 1892, at the age of 27, while serving as teacher of Greek at the Packer College Institute, Emily James Smith published translations for selected works of Lucian. She later served as dean (1894-1900) and then trustee (1900-1905) of Barnard College. She provides with readable translations for a number of Lucian’s works. We added the section numbers and attentive readers will note missing sections. Smith chose to leave out those passages that could not be translated in the standards of the time because of their sexual nature.

Her translations have the identifier perseus-eng5 (e.g., tlg0062.tlg029.perseus-eng5 for “the Dream”). She includes both works that have been ascribed to Lucian (with the identifier tlg0061although some are clearly not by him) and two that are labelled as “Pseudo-Lucian” (tlg0061).

tlg0062.tlg029 The Dream
tlg0062.tlg018 Zeus the Tragedian
tlg0062.tlg024 The Sale of Lives
tlg0062.tlg019 The Cock
tlg0062.tlg016 The Ferry
tlg0062.tlg012 A True History
tlg0062.tlg044 Toxaris; Or, Friendship
tlg0061.tlg001 Loukios; Or, the Ass
tlg0061.tlg004 The Halcyon
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More Lucian: the Fowler brothers 1904 translation

Gregory Crane

Henry Watson Fowler (1858-1933) and his younger brother Francis George Watson (1871-1918) are best known for their 1906 publication, the King’s English and the 1926 Modern English Usage, composed by Henry George after the 1918 death of his brother. In 1904, however, the brothers had published The works of Lucian of Samosata, coyly described as “complete with exceptions specified in the preface.” The exceptions included works that did not fit with Victorian sensibilities (such as the Dialogues of the Sex Workers) or that did not match seem worthy of Lucian (as they understood him). They also left out, sadly, On the Syrian Goddess, which Harmon would translate into an archaizing form of English that many contemporary readers would find unbearable.

Nevertheless, the Fowler brothers provide a second translation to complement those by Harmon, Kilburn, Macleod and others. Our goal in Perseus it to work towards providing, as often as possible, two or more translations so that readers can begin to get a sense of how differently the same text can be represented. For now we are adding more translations but we do so in part because new services have emerged (in particularly automatic translation alignment and rich linguistic annotation) that allow readers without knowledge of Greek to begin seeing how the source text and translations are related.

The Fowler translations have the label “perseus-eng4” and their XML source files can be found (where they are available) in Github in the various work directories here.

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Lucian: Updating Greek and adding English

Gregory Crane

Another update for our NEH-funded Next Thirty Years of Perseus work. We have now updated Lucian. First, we have fixed issues in the Greek for Lucian works 1-52 as editing by A. H. Harmon. These were originally entered years ago (c. 2010) with a version of Abbyy Finereader that only knew modern Greek. There were some residual OCR errors as well as incorrectly accented words (usually problems because we did not account for enclitics). We also added the textual notes. There were two versions of this Greek up until now but they have been consolidated.

We have also added the corresponding English translations by Harmon. These will all appear in the next upload to the Scaife Viewer, from work 1 (Phalaris) through work 52 (Disowned/Abdicatus)

Translations for all of Lucian are ready to be added, with more than one translation for most of Lucian’s works soon to be available.

Lucian text files are at here.

To examine this work by work, you can use URLs of the form: https://github.com/PerseusDL/canonical-greekLit/tree/master/data/tlg0062/tlg001.

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New translations of Thucydides added

Gregory Crane

Under our new Perseus the Next Thirty Years NEH grant, we have added a set of new translations for Thucydides, including translations in English, French, German, Italian and Latin. These are now available on Github and (with the exception of two German translations of part of Thucydides) can now be viewed in the Scaife Viewer. The opening books of Thucydides in the Zevort translation have been available. We now have the complete translation.

These are in addition to translations that have been available in Perseus for many years.

More Thucydides materials should appear in the coming months.

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Philo of Alexandria, Translations, and Perseus the Next Thirty Years

A lot is happening at Perseus. I am writing now to point out the first result from a new NEH grant that formally began one month ago (July 1, 2023). We have released a much revised Greek edition of Philo of Alexandria and a first English translation. The data is available in the First One Thousand Years of Greek Github repository and will find its way onto the Scaife Viewer in its next build.

First, the digital transcription of the Greek text of Philo (based on the Cohn/Wendland Teubner edition). We originally digitized this roughly 10 years ago with the first OCR open source OCR software that we found could manage Ancient Greek. There were issues with this work and we did a major revision. The new files will surely have residual issues and we look forward to finding these but they are a big improvement.

Second, we published the four volume translation that Charles Duke Yonge produced for the Bohn Classical Library in 1855. These are based on the Greek editions that precede the monumental work of Cohn and Wendland. In some cases, Cohn and Wendland reorganized the text and I have adjusted our version of Yonge to follow those changes.

There is a lot more in the pipeline. Our new NEH grant allows us to focus on adding to translations available in Perseus and this is only a first step. Our work with the NEH-funded Beyond Translation project (not to mention a great deal of work on translation alignment by others) has also opened up new possibilities for connecting translation and source texts. These services will begin to appear during the course of the next year.

Gregory Crane

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