Status as of 2012-08-28
- Inscriptions available for editing are listed under the ‘epifacs’ inventory
- Inscriptions use the epidoc schema
- Manuscripts available for editing are listed under the ‘perseus’ inventory
- All Manuscripts are for beta testing only and changes made to them via the SoSOL interface are not yet guaranteed to be preserved!!!
- Manuscripts use a custom version of the TEI-A schema
- Once you select a citation to work with for a Manuscript, you can no longer edit the full XML for that manuscript directly. This is by design although this restriction may be lifted in the future.
Known Issues
- Support for creation of new editions is only partially implemented. A manual step is currently required to update the CTS inventories once a new transcription and/or translation has been approved and committed
- Only individual citations can be selected for editing when working with manuscripts. Support for citation ranges will be added in a future update.
- Translation support is still very buggy. Templates for new inscription translations need work. Manuscript translation support is not fully implemented.
- Commentary feature for inscriptions is not fully working.
- It’s not possible to submit only one item in a publication for review… it’s all or nothing.
- Working with large texts can be very slow
- Error handling for finalization of citations (i.e. merge back into full text) is not very robust
- Finish the support for image integration. Currently, this is partially supported for inscriptions which have the url of a single image in the facs attribute of the <text> element of the epidoc file. The goal is to eventually handle this via support for annotations.
- Fix problems with translations.
- Enable submission of selected items from a publication.
- Fix problems with commentary.
- Add general identifier type for OAC annotations
- Add support for creation of text-reuse annotations from within the text editor
- Generalize support for alpheios plugins — i.e. remove hardcoding of greek language attribute in editor
- Support selection of citation ranges for manuscripts
- Support links in to a specific citation from Perseus
- Add approved submissions of new editions to the supporting text inventory
- Deployment issue: fix references to tei-xl.rng (currently requires symbolic link to data/templates under the tomcat server root
- Deployment issue: fix ruby library conflicts in war.
- Citation and TextInventory xml artifacts should remain only in users’ repos and not get committed to master
- Improve CTS selection interface
- Investigate performance issues — increase memory
- Add import/upload feature
- Add support for treebank/alignment annotations with direct export/import to/from Alpheios editors
- Make error handling for finalization citations more robust and enable archiving of citations which can’t be automatically merged