

Andre Cleaver, Dissertation 2024. Creating a Shared Reality with Robots: How Augmented Reality can Facilitate Perception-Related Tasks, Guide Manipulation Behaviors, and Identify Trajectory Failures [PDF]

  • Andre Cleaver, and Jivko Sinapov. Helping People Predict the Outcome of Robotic Pouring Behaviors with Augmented Reality. Accepted to the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2024) [PDF]


  • Andre Cleaver, and Jivko Sinapov. Demonstrating TRAinAR: An Augmented Reality Tool that Helps Humans Teach Robots. Accepted to the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2023) [VIDEO][PDF]
  • Andre Cleaver, and Jivko Sinapov. Helping Humans Become Better Teachers for Robots with Augmented Reality. Accepted to the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (Workshop VAM-HRI 2023) [PDF]
  • Andre Cleaver, Victoria Chen, and Jivko Sinapov. First Encounters with a Robot: The Value of Augmented Reality when Learning about Mobile Robots. Accepted to the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (Workshop VAM-HRI 2023) [PDF]


  • Andre Cleaver, Darren Tang, Victoria Chen, and Jivko Sinapov. Dynamic path visualization for human-robot collaboration. In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Late-Breaking Report, 2021 [VIDEO] [PDF] [SLIDES]
  • Andre Cleaver, Faizan Muhammad, Amel Hassan, Elaine Short, and Jivko Sinapov. SENSAR: A shared reality with intelligent robots for collaborative human-robot interaction. InAAAI Fall Symposium Series: Trust Explainability in ArtificialIntelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI), 2020 [PDF]
  • Andre Cleaver, Darren Tang, Victoria Chen, and Jivko Sinapov. HAVEN: A unity-based virtual robot environment toshowcase hri-based augmented reality. InAAAI Fall Symposium Series: Trust Explainability in Artificial Intelligence forHuman-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI), 2020 [VIDEO] [PDF]
  • Andre Cleaver, Elaine Short, and Jivko Sinapov. RAIN – A vision calibration tool using augmented reality. InACM/IEEEConference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Workshop on Virtual, Augmented and MixedReality for Human-RobotInteraction (VAM-HRI), Cambridge, UK, 2020 [PDF]


  • Muhammad, F., Hassan, A., Cleaver, A., and Sinapov, J. “Creating a Shared Reality with Robots” Accepted to the Late-Breaking Reports Track at the 14th ACM/IEEE Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Daego, Korea, Mar. 11-14, 2019 [PDF] [VIDEO] [BIB]


  • Cleaver, Andre. “Characterization of the Influence of Thermal Profile on Microstructural Development in a Eutectic Cobalt Silicon Alloy.” 2018. [LINK]


  • Reilly, Matthew A., and Cleaver, Andre. “Inverse elastographic method for analyzing the ocular lens compression test.” Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 10.06 (2017): 1742009. [LINK]


  • Andre Cleaver, Luis Rodriguez, and Matthew Aaron Reilly. Inverse finite element analysis of mouse lens compressionfor determining elastic moduli.Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 57(12):5743–5743, 2016 [LINK]