Important Echocardiographic Views

Echo DrawingsAbnormal EchocardiographyNormal EchocardiographyImages
Right Peristernal Long Axis Five Chamber View

Right Peristernal Short Axis View

Right Peristernal Short Axis Mitral Valve View

Right Peristernal Short Axis Aorta View

Right Peristernal Long Axis Four Chamber View

Dog Mitral Valve Prolapse Left Apical View

Feline Systolic Anterior Motion RPS Long Axis View

Canine DMVD RPS Long Axis View

Canine LVOT Obstruction RPS Long Axis View

Canine Mitral Regurgitation RPS Long Axis View

Canine Tricuspid Regurgitation RPS Long Axis View

Canine PDA RPS Short Axis View

Feline HCM RPS Short Axis View

Canine Eccentric Hypertrophy RPS Short Axis View

Canine LVE RPS Short Axis View

Canine DMVD RPS Short Axis View

Canine LAE Short Axis LA-Aorta View

Dog Normal Left Apical View

Canine Normal RPS Long Axis View

Canine Normal RPS Short Axis View

Canine Normal Short Axis LA-Aorta View
M-mode Aorta-LA Long Axis View Normal

M-mode Aorta-LA Short Axis View Normal

M-mode Mitral Valve Long Axis View Normal

M-mode Mitral Valve Long Axis View with SAM

M-mode Canine Left Ventricle Normal

M-mode Canine Left Ventricle Eccentric Hypertrophy

M-mode Canine Left Ventricle Chronic Valvular Disease

M-mode Feline Left Ventricle Normal

M-mode Feline Left Ventricle HCM

Pulsed Wave Doppler of a Normal Mitral Valve

Pulsed Wave Doppler of a Mitral Valve with a Pseudonormal Pattern

Pulsed Wave Doppler of a Mitral Valve with a Restrictive Pattern

Pulsed Wave Doppler of a Mitral Valve with Delayed Relaxation