Dr. E’s Challenges: Summer 2020

Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) is pleased to announce that after taking a year hiatus, Dr. E’s Challenges has returned with two new and exciting challenges. Hearing from teachers, parents, and other educators a need for ideas…


CEEO Summer Workshops

This summer Tufts CEEO quickly adjusted to the changing times and created our first ever online workshops. In our online workshops, we will emphasize social interactions just as much as engineering. We hope that students will feel a connection to…


5 Minute Classroom

by Sara Willner-Giwerc, Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAWUOYU3NtQ 5 Minute Classroom is a collaboration between the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, White Mountain Science Inc., and FaceFront to create a video series for teachers by an amazing…


STOMP Fall 2019

By Elissa Milto, Director of Outreach Each year STOMP sends pairs of Tufts students into classrooms to bring engineering to local students. Each pair is partnered with a teacher and meets with those students twenty to twenty-five times over the…


2019 Haunted House in Nolop Makerspace

By Amelia Becker, CEEO Undergraduate Intern The Second Annual Nolop Makerspace Haunted House took place on Wednesday, October 30th, 2019. Sponsored by the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO), Nolop Makerspace, and the School of Engineering (SOE), the…


We Want to Make Free Toys!

By Fatima Rahman, Master's Student in STEM Education Community-connected engineering workshop engages fourth-graders in designing for their own community. Being an engineer is a powerful concept - one that encourages us to embrace our ideas and bring them to life…