Graduate Student Spotlight: Sophie Hankin
Tell us about where you are from and what your childhood was like. I’m from Oakland, CA, where I lived with my parents and older brother until coming to Tufts for undergrad. I have lots of cousins and both sets of grandparents on the West Coast, so I spent a lot of time with my […]
Transforming Stuffed Animals into Smart Modules
Mechanical Engineering Student Sophie Hankin gives us an update on the Smart Playground project and the studded animals she transformed into Smart Modules. I designed the Smart Module stuffed animals as part of the Smart Playground Project. This project is a collaboration between UC Irvine, Boston College, and the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and […]
Graduate Student Profile: Mohammed Tonkal
Tell us about where you are from and what your childhood was like. I’m from Jeddah, a major city in Saudi Arabia where I grew up and spent most of my life. I’m the middle child among four siblings—three brothers and a sister. In our family, academic excellence was the norm, and getting A’s was […]
Tufts CEEO debuts new AI course for teachers
In the spring of 2024, Tufts CEEO debuted a new online course, ENE 193: Engineering Design with ArtificialIntelligence for Middle and High School Teachers. The course was designed to support middle and high schoolteachers in exploring artificial intelligence (AI) within the context of teaching engineering design. Developedby Lecturer Bill Church and Research Associate Professor Ethan […]
Post-Doc Profile: Rob Hayes
Tell us about where you are from and what your childhood was like. I grew up in Rhode Island – first in North Providence (until I was 10) and then in Burrillville. My childhood was organized around family, sports, and academics. Me and my younger sister Elise spent a lot of time with my grandpa […]
Student Spotlight: Geling (Jazz) Xu
Tell us about where you are from and what your childhood was like. I’m from Taiyuan, Shanxi, China (my whole family is from Northeast China, so although I grew up in Shanxi, we retained the Northeast food habits and culture). As a kid, I liked playing the drums, playing basketball, playing with LEGO, playing Monopoly, […]
Hacking with Arduino Alvik and LEGO Education SPIKE
In the summer of 2024, CEEO faculty and students engaged in two hackathons with the new Arduino Alvik robotics kit. The Alvik Robot features connectors for LEGO Technic, so students were able to use their LEGO Education SPIKE Prime and Essential kits to build their robots. Their experimentation led to the development of three activity […]
Tufts School of Engineering Appoints new CEEO Faculty Fellows
CEEO Faculty Fellows (CFF) are Tufts University faculty who are actively engaged in engineering education research with the CEEO. Their engagement may be through existing or planned funding opportunities, shared mentorship of graduate students or post-docs, or other joint research endeavors. Appointed for renewable 3-year terms by the School of Engineering, CFFs are chosen based […]