Tufts CEEO visits Tokyo, Japan

In February 2023, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) summer undergraduate interns Soham Gaggenapally and Alan Deutsch visited Tokyo, Japan along with graduate student Yume Menghe Xu. The Japanese company Mobile Internet Technology Co., LTD. that makes Mind…


LEGO Tech and Play Visit to Rwanda

As in-person interaction slowly returns to our lives after years of pandemic-induced isolation and virtual meetings, many people are still coming to terms with returning to daily commutes to work. For Alison Earnhart, Tufts CEEO project administrator for the Tech…


Summer 2021 CEEO Internships

This summer of 2021, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) employed 35 Tufts undergraduate interns to work in CEEO and remotely over the months of June, July, and August. Summer interns did a variety of different research and…

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