Food, Food, More Food

Food for a research paper in an art history class; food also for a senior project for Communications and Media Studies. Who could resist food?!

Hi Prof Chen,

my senior project for my Communications and Media Studies minor. I’m doing a project on the Food Network and arguing that mass media has had a positive effect on the ways in which Americans cook and eat. Right now I’m trying to find background information on the Food Network and on food television in general, ….


Start with this Tisch book:

Watching What We Eat: the Evolution of Television Cooking Shows by Kathleen Collins.

(Bookstacks: PN1992.8.C67 C65)

Try, also, search on specific shows, individual celebrity chefs, collecting your own evidence.

I will definitely use the database America: History & Life. Most likely, you will be looking at the topic from many perspectives such as Sociology and Mass Media  (the database, Sociological Abstracts), Television (the database, Film and Television Literature Index) and Business (the database ABI/Inform).

Two citations from America: History & Life:

Brost, Lori F. “Television Cooking shows: Defining the Genre.” Indiana University, 2000

Ketchum, Cheri. The Essence of Cooking Shows: How the Food Network Constructs Consumer Fantasies.” Journal of Communication Inquiry July 2005, Vol. 29 Issue 3, p217-234, 18p.

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