Author: Xiaodon L. Liang


CSS Research and Policy Seminar with Monica Toft and Sidita Kushi

The CSS Research and Policy Seminar on April 8 discussed America the Bully, an upcoming book co-written by Monica Toft and Sidita Kushi. The new study traces the evolution of U.S. foreign policy, both through historical narratives and data-driven analysis, to understand how the United States has relied on different tools of statecraft to achieve its political objectives across pivotal eras. In particular, the book evaluates America’s reliance on its armed forces to achieve its strategic interests, questioning the country’s blurred foreign policy objectives and its bullying tactics.

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Covid-19 Does Not Discriminate

By Lima Ahmad

It is possible this crisis will increase distrust and fear of the unknown, further dividing us, causing an increase in global inequality due to restrictions on labor migration, trade, and economic dependency. Yet at the same time the coronavirus crisis is an opportunity for us to rethink our humanity and reimagine our world during this time of collective vulnerability.

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