
Japan’s Engagement with Global Challenges

The Consulate-General of Japan in Boston and the Center for Strategic Studies presented a talk by Prof. Daisaku Higashi of Sophia University, Tokyo to discuss Japan’s role in the COVID-19 Pandemic, War in Ukraine, and Peacebuilding in South Sudan and Afghanistan. Dr. Higashi is a specialist in Mediation and Peacebuilding. His talk leveraged his extensive field research in South Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and East Timor, providing students insights into both the scholarly study of international relations and how Japan sees itself operating in these troubled regions. The event was also attended by the new Consul General to the Consulate in Boston, The Hon Mr. Seiichiro Takahashi. After the talk the Professor and Consul General remained at the reception for over an hour, engaging with individual students and sharing thoughts on their careers and the state of the world.

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