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Pond Life

To Know is to Wiggle

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Pond Life

By W. George Scarlett | To know nature can be through touching, smelling, seeing – in short, through sensing.

Moving with Pond Life

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Pond Life

By Layla Sastry | The following is an exercise that can be used with younger and older children to help them connect to and know life in and around ponds.

A Turtle’s Tail: Tilly Turtle and the Leach​

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Pond Life

Written and Illustrated by Anastasia Brennan | It was a Sunday afternoon, and Tillie Turtle lay around,
At the pond with other turtles
Who hardly made a sound.
Tilly splish-splashed in the water
When a leech swam up and got her!

Waterbug Poem

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series Pond Life

By W. George Scarlett | Waterbug, waterbug, always gliding / Never sinking, always sliding…

When Nature Seems ‘Cruel’

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Pond Life

By W. George Scarlett | Bugs sucking the blood of other bugs, hawks grabbing and tearing apart squirrels, coyotes howling after a kill – if ever someone gets sentimental about nature and speaks only of nature’s wonders, that person has missed something central about nature, namely, that nature works on a different ethic than that of most humans.

Book Review: Over and Under the Pond

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Pond Life

Review by Hailey Swett, book by Kate Messner with art by Christopher Silas Neal | Ponds: what lovely and lively ecosystems! What child doesn’t love exploring a pond, searching for critters big and small? In her picture book Over and Under the Pond, Kate Messner takes young readers on a journey of exploration through a pond, all from the comfort of their homes.