Librarian Robot
Librarian Robot
Moving around while detecting sound!
This project used the motors, speaker, button sensor and loudness sensor. The goal was to have a robot be able to drive around a given area and detect the noise in the space. If the noise is too loud, the robot will remind people to lover their voices. I thinks its application could expand to being used in buildings or as a way to mediate conversations if they get too loud.
As is most likely obvious, it would be very useful in a library
that is true
nice, how loud do you need to be before it will stop?
It stops at each spot and tells you if its too loud (reading of 680 i think) but then it will keep moving. maybe in the future it could keep repeating the message until the sensor reads under a certain number.
Interesting idea
This would be helpful in a study hall
Great use of sensors!
Great application and consideration of your users!
Thank you!
This could definitely be used in a bunch of different areas. Great idea!
Thank you!
I love how it tells people to “shush”!
thank you!
This is so cool!! I like that you used the speakers, loudness sensor, and made it drive in a square!
Nice application of the loudness sensor!
awesome use of the sound sensor! you could also use the camera to take pictures when it wears a loud noise if you wanted to see who was making the noise
That would be cool to do and I feel like that could be helpful if used around younger kids to monitor whats going on.
This made me smile! My oldest child really wants to be a librarian. I wonder what kind of user testing you think would be helpful for a next step – how would humans interact with the device? What really gets humans to quiet down? Fantastic video!
There are so many places this could be useful! I think there are a lot of different ways you can expand on this too – maybe have it create maps of the building its in and use machine learning to recognize the louder rooms. Great use of sensors and great idea!
I was thinking about it being able to follow sound or maybe be able to sort books by color until it detects something too loud.
This is really awesome! I feel like another place it could be super useful are areas where there is construction. It could help workers know when the sound around them becomes to loud and detremental to their ears. Super useful!
Construction sites could definitely use something like this!
Forget library I would love to have this in my house 🙂
Nice introduction and good demonstration! I liked how the robot said “quiet down please” and just kept on going like it didn’t care! How can we make the robot quieter though? any thoughts?