Automated Balalaika Plucking System
Automated Balalaika Plucking System
My robot plucks the strings on a balalaika, which is a 3-stringed guitar.
My robot is able to play the strings on a balalaika, which is a Russian 3-stringed guitar. The robot uses a motor with attached that “plucks” the strings to make sound. There is also a distance sensor that checks how far your hand is from the instrument. Based off of the data that the sensor collects, the motor to pluck strings can spin faster.
The disk to pluck the strings was really cool and well designed–I like that you attached it to the motor!
Great job combining all the sensors to control each other!
I like how you had the colors change with the speed of the plucking.
Cool way to take apart the robot and attach it to something else!
I love how you incorporated the distance sensor!
So cool that it can pluck so fast, especially since that is a lot harder for a human!
Very cool! Nice Fusion 360 design!
I like how you used the distance sensor to dictate the speed, and the use of 3D printing!
It’s kind of like a combination of a theremin and a Balalaika, it makes for an interesting build
As a huge TETRIS fan, that was FANTASTIC! What was your inspiration for the project? Impressive implementation!
Wow this is really cool! I love how you used 3D printing
It’s really cool how you 3D printed the entire instrument too. This is a really cool project.
The hardware design of the instrument and electronic attachment is really awesome and it’s a super original project.
The CAD design looks so cool and effective!
That was really cool!
It’s crazy how you were able to put all the parts together and make them synchronized in such a short time. Really loved the design on the CAD parts.
thats super cool and very creative. Can you program in different patterns of plucking speed
Great design on the plucking system and the controlling of the speed
Very impressive and creative. Did you create the instrument as well? This is amazing.
Reminds me of a theremin but cooler cause you can do sick guitar solos.