Morse Code Anime Searcher
Morse Code Anime Searcher
Use Morse code to look up information about an anime.
Using machine learning the robot needs to be trained so that it can detect what a dot and a dash look like. Once this is done the robot will prompt the user to start a message in 3 seconds. During this time, the user needs to input what they want to search for using a Morse code input. This input is then used as the search word or words for the anime that you want to search for. Once this is done the robot will tell the user the anime’s title, status, genre, and source material.
what a cool way to bring anime into your project, clever!
The countdown was a great touch! Great project!
ah I see you are a man of culture as well
Thats really cool! Loved the countdown!
I like how you mixed machine learning and APIs for this project. It’s really cool.
I liked the search animation, very unexpected. using morse code to look stuff up looks very cool!
I watch a ton of anime myself, and it gets super hard to find good anime sometimes. This would definitely make my life easier. Great job!
Wow! The machine learning and connection to the ANime information was impressive.
An interesting take on information acquirement
super cool. very creative idea
Interesting how the morse code works
Didn’t know there was even a Morse code API. This is are really good way to communicate with the robot
I really like the combination of APIs and machine learning. I’d like to know more about how you converted the morse code into an input to use for web searches.
It would be cool if you could look up something like new and itd tell you the newest seasonal anime.
i had trouble working with morse code in a previous notebook, so it was cool to see it working at all in this sense!
Good project. I like how you’ve tried to align your interest in anime to this project to make it personal.
But I think it’s not super clear from your video things like how you are training the model to recognize whether it’s a dot or a dash, how you’re communicating with the API, or how the Morse code you enter is recognized by the processor.
Here are some suggestions:
1. Add narration in your video to explain what your goals are along with some important concepts
2. Add a diagram that explains how the different components are connected (Raspberry Pi, Sensor, API, ect.)