Surfboard Wax-Remover
Surfboard Wax-Remover
Robot that removes wax from surfboard
The robot is equipped with motors to power wheels, a distance sensor to tell the robot when to stop, a scraper to take wax off the board, and a camera to show the robot’s progress.

Using the batteries to apply extra pressure is awesome! Also such a creative application π
Its really cool how you got your robot to work with your surfboard! I love how the camera shows you the angle of where it cleaned! Nice! π
Really cool and is definitely very useful!
super creative use of the batteries, it would have been cool to see it turn at the end of the surf board and turn back.
I’m trying to get into surfing so this is really cool! This is very creative
Very cool!
I don’t surf but this seems like an awsome application, I’m eager to see you develop this idea further!
This project looks really cool and has a lot of potential. It’d be so awesome if you can get it to sweep the whole board.
This robot is really cool. To get it to scrape more, you could move the battery pack forward to apply extra pressure.
A robot that cleans your board for you? Where can I get one!
Hey Finn, super clever use of the batteries! I love how you’ve built the robot to help with a really specific task. It’ll be cool to see how you think about controlling the robot and having it stay on the surface of the board! I’m curious, how did you find the bot was able to drive over the wax? Seems like a difficult surface. Great work! π
Very cool application! Would the robot be able to remove all of the wax with a few passes, or does the change in the surface roughness after being waxed make it harder to remove?
I like that you had the robot take a picture of its progress!
Super unique!
this is a really cool idea and I think thereβs a lot more you could do with this!
I like how you moved the battery forward to apply extra weight to the scraper.
I think this is a really cool idea even though I’ve never surfed before. the battery placement was also cool
Really interesting idea and the battery pack placement is great
nice idea with the batteries. I bet you could do a lot by making it go back and forth
This seems like a very tetious job to do so the fact that it can now be automated seems really useful
The idea is really cool, and your quick thinking with moving the battery pack onto the scraper to increase it’s effectiveness was really smart.
I like how you incorporated your passion!
I like how you tied this project into your interests! You did a great job designing and managing your project. Overall, this was a really cool application and I hope you pursue this outside of EDL!