Group 1Session 1Session 1

The MoCar: The Morse Code Assistant Robot

The MoCar: The Morse Code Assistant Robot

Its not Siri but Siri never looked this beautiful.


This is an assistant robot similar to voice assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google,
but instead of voice control it takes in morse code as an input. First, to get the robot
listening for morse input, you clap to “wake it up”, similar to “Hey Siri”. You input morse
code through the grove button located on top of the robot, and the robot decodes the morse
and does something based on the keyword that you input. The robot’s output is through the speaker.
There are currently 6 inputs that the robot can take:
WTHR – Robot says current weather using the OpenWeatherMap API
TIME – Robot says time using the Python Time library
TUNE1 – Plays the song “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley. Clap loudly to make it stop.
TUNE2 – Plays the song “September” by Earth Wind And Fire. Clap loudly to make it stop.
TUNE3 – Plays the song “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder. Clap loudly to make it stop
DNCE – The robot dances with disco lights for 20 seconds to a random song from above.
X – The robot returns to its initial state where you have to clap to have it listen for morse code.

After completing each action above, the robot returns to its initial state where you have to clap to have it listen for morse code.

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