Group 3 - S2

Coin Bank

Coin Bank

A coin bank with an arm


This is my prototype of the Cat Coin Bank. Using the pi camera, I could detect the coin by making the camera look for circles. Once a circle is detected, the servo swings and the arms knock the coin into the “coin bank”. The arm returns to its beginning state once the coin has been knocked in.

16 thoughts on “Coin Bank

    • I remember watching a few videos about these sorts of banks back when I was in middle school. The idea has always been at the back of my mind.

  • I love the use of the wrench to push the coin into the bank! Great use of materials and I really like how you housed the pi. Great job!

    • I initially tried to have the arm come and sweep the coin in from above, but that didn’t work, so I had to sweep the coin in from the side 🙁

  • I liked how you used the camera to detect circles which makes it much more difficult to be tricked by a non-coin. Even if the design isn’t perfected yet, I like the basic idea so far. Great job!

    • Thanks! It took a lot of work to get the camera to detect the coin, and it’s kind of faulty right now, but hopefully I can fix it for the future.

  • I thought the pencils were creative, and the robot provides good proof of concept even if the coin didn’t quite make it into the bank. I know from experience that circle recognition is really annoying so it’s impressive you got it to work here


    • Thanks for the compliments! Finding the right thing to use for the railing took some time, but thankfully some pencils were lying around on my desk 🙂

  • Really creative use of materials as well as the sensors you had available. You definitely put a lot of thought into the design and I can see that.The camera can be super tricky, so great job getting it to recognize recognize those circles!

  • Way to rebuild the pi to suit your needs! I also like how you react when the coin doesn’t go in immediately in the video. Not everything works on the first try, and its important to be able to laugh at your creations!

    Great job, Eric.

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