Security Cam Robot
Security Cam Robot
Robot that uses distance sensors, camera, and speaker to detect and capture a photo of whoever entered a room.
I made a Security Cam Robot using the distance sensor to first detect when someone has entered a room. Next the speaker mounted on top of the box says “hello” in order to get the intruder to look at the device. After a half second delay, the camera then snaps a picture of the person and shows it in the code.
I love the box. I think the box did a great job of concealing a really not sleek robot and making it under the radar. Great job!
Thank you
I love how discrete the robot is with the use of the box and the color matching with the speaker. I also love your volunteers(especially the dog.)
Thank you
I like the black box, as it looks like an actual product and effectively contains the components. It also makes it hard to mess with the robot, removing problems such as people unplugging wires or breaking parts.
Thank you
I really liked the attention to detail with your enclosure that makes it look so much better + hidden. Your project is a very good approach to keeping away intruders. Are the pictures that it takes being saved anywhere or just residing in the code output?
Right now they are just in the code output. In the future I thought it would be cool to get the robot to text/email the picture to my phone.
I like the use of a speaker to get the person’s attention. Do you think you can make the box smaller as you improve it in order to be even more discrete?
Thank you. I do think that in the future I will be able to make the robot even more discrete by taking off some of the unneeded parts for my project in order to make the box even smaller.
this is really convenient and i like how you can build something like this yourself
I think that it could be made better if it takes a picture before and after saying hello, as maybe the hello sound could be ignored and the photo after the delay would have nobody in it. That way, you also have a photo taken as soon as the distance sensor detects something, as a fail safe in case the second photo has nothing in it.
Thanks for the idea. I agree that it would help.
I really like the discrete camera. Now you can catch your siblings stealing your stuff if you leave your room unattended.
I could also use this for taking my Instagram pictures, nice work
I love how you hid the robot in a box so it was less noticeable.
Thank you
The box was a really good idea to conceal the robot! Love the project.
Thank you.