Outfit Bot
Outfit Bot
A robot that makes picking an outfit easier
The Outfit Bot has been designed to make picking an outfit easier. When you set out three options for your robot and it will choose which one he likes the best. Each outfit has been assigned a different color. After pushing a button the robot will drive up to each, color sense which color it is reading, and pick one of the three colors. Once the outfit bot has made its decision, it will then drive to the outfit of its choice.

Really cool! how does the robot decide which outfit it goes to at the end?
There is a random number generator that you can program into python and I assigned each color swatch to number and the number generated would correspond to an outfit.
Hi Mia, thanks for solving this age old problem! Way to incorporate motors, the speaker, and sensing capabilities. How does the robot choose which outfit?
The random number generator would pick a number between 1 and 3. If the robot chose 1 it would go back to the red swatch, 2 was green, and 3 was blue.
So cool! I know I always have a hard time choosing what to wear. Have you thought of how you could expand on this idea or what improvements you could make?
I found this really cool article on using AI to predict or recommend fashion- for sure a bit of a bigger (or perhaps huge) project, but it would be SO cool if the robot could make up its own outfits based on images of previous outfits worn and a “library” (or “closet” database) of already owned articles of clothing. You could also integrate a weather api to have that help decide day-by-day (ex: only look for outfits featuring a rain jacket if it’s supposed to rain all day).
Cool project, you can probably tell I got excited about it. ^
Also here is the article about AI in fashion if you are interested: https://www.marktechpost.com/2019/07/22/the-new-ai-program-that-can-create-new-outfits/
I would really like to expand this project and test out different things. I would definitely be interested on looking into the AI prediction. I would love to figure out a way to have my robot see different outfits and save them. A weather based system is also a great idea that I did not think of. There are so many different ways to expand this idea. I was also thinking about having the robot scan each individual article of clothing and have it pick out the separate pieces to make an outfit.
Awesome! There are definitely a lot of great directions this could go in, I hope you explore them if you get a chance!
Very neat Mia! I was curious how the robot decided which outfit / color to select? Doe it always pick red or does it depend on the day of the week (similar to my own system!) or it is entirely random?
The choices are entirely random because of the random number generator program. Numbers 1 through 3 were assigned to a color swatch and after generating a number the robot would drive back to the swatch assigned to the number chosen. All of the tests I ran always had a different result.
I like this robot; it helps decide between categories well.
thank you!!!
Woah that is so cool, i really like how it speaks to you and it says at the end “great outfit you will look great”, that was a really nice touch.
Thank you! A little self confidence is always needed!
Can the code be expanded to include more than 3 colors, or is it hard coded to only work with the 3? If it is hard coded, it could be interesting to try to find a way to include more colors.
The code can be expanded to have more colors. I chose to do 3 colors because I always finding myself having to chose between 3 outfits. In the future I can see myself adding more colors when I need to pick between more outfits.
This would really be helpful for indecisive people, like me.
That was my goal because I can never decide on an outfit and Im always asking my friends or family to help make a decision.
I think this project was really unique and creative. It’s different from any of the other projects and looks very cool.
thank you!!
What a fun idea! I really liked how it lit up at the end and turned around. Is there any algorithm in place behind its decision or is it just randomized?
The decision is completely randomized so you never know which outfit it is going to pick.
I like the trakcing for the robot, and how it goes to the exact location and identifies its options before choosing which outfit associated with the swatch to go to.
I spaced each of the color swatches exactly 25 centimeters apart and I would have the robot turn at a certain degrees to move to the next swatch. Once the robot chose the outfit it would move depending on the color. So for example in the video the robot picked red, so i programmed him to move 50 centimeters at a certain degrees to move back to the red swatch.
Love the execution of this idea. You did a fantastic job of getting the robot to read the colors and stay accurate in its movements. Great job!
thank you!!
Very cool project. I like how the robot was able to randomly pick an outfit out. It’s nice how you used the speaker at the end as well.
Thank you!! The speaker was my favorite part
I like the idea you chose. Is there any other application you could apply this idea to?
You can use this robot to make any decision as long as you assign the options to the color swatches. My biggest problem is picking outfits so that is what i used as this example. But, you can use it to make any decision.
This is a really cool concept. I am also curious with how it decided red, does it pick randomly? I think it could be really cool is you incorporated API calls such as using openweatherapi to get the user’s temperature/weather condition and narrow down potential selections of outfits. Ex. if it is raining, the robot chooses the best outfit to keep you dry.
The robot did pick the red option randomly because of the random number generator. Each color swatch was assigned a number and the robot would drive to the color swatch that the random number the generator picked. The weather an temperature idea is also really cool and would definitely be an upgrade to this robot that would help even more and be a little more accurate.