Paper Football for 1
Paper Football for 1
An automated paper football game with a celebration.
Users interact with the robot by pushing a button and “kicking a football.” When this is done, and the user makes the football into the goal, the robot will celebrate by moving around and changing its lights. The robot signifies “the kick is good” by putting its “arms” up just like the refs usually do in a game.
I really enjoy the arm design for the robot, do you think maybe adding a speaker to play a noise or something to go along with the celebration?
That was definitely a thought. Maybe in further developing phases that can be added.
I liked how you fleshed out the celebration and gave it more personality. It looked fun and was a nice more playful project. The arms were also a nice idea.
Really enjoyed your use of the camera to detect the paper football. It was extremely effective not to mention fast. I loved the celebratory dance. Great job!
Thanks. Also thanks for all the help throughout the process.
Really good job with the detection of the football going into the goal or not going into the goal. I love the celebration after the goal! It’s so over the top and energetic.
Great project. I liked the celebration dance and the light show. It was cool how you made what is known as a 2 person game into a 1 person game.
Hi Ben, nice work! I may have missed this, but how does the robot know when you score? Love the celebration 🙂
The robot uses the camera to take pictures in pairs. If there is a difference, then it knows that something, most likely the paper football, landed in the goal. It subtracted the two photos and displayed the difference.
I like how it recognizes where the ball is and does the dance thing at the end
I like how the lights turn on as part of the celebration. The celebration dance also probably makes getting the goal in more satisfying.
A really fun robot for when you’re alone. The celebration is great, I wonder if you could make the arms flap around as well when the robot is celebrating.
How did you initially come up with this idea? Also the celebration is cute
I was inspired from the thought of being bored in school as it can get boring in class.
I love the celebration, and the creativity of the project! Nice job Ben