Rave Bot
Rave Bot
Detects walls and moves around a room, while flashing lights and playing music.
Built using servos and a distance sensor to detect obstacles within a certain threshold, and avoid them; can deal with walls and corners. Fades between all the lights in the RGB spectrum. Plays rave music.

Hi Alex! What a fun robot, thanks for showing us the fail video and keeping it real. I love the way the bot moves randomly around the room, in the robot’s mind, what was the “goal”? Was it to just keep moving forward, or did it have some sense of the room it was in? (curious how it would perform in a bigger room) Great work!
The robot looked around every 10 milliseconds, and if the dstance to an object in its sights was less than a threshold, it used a turning function. The turning function used the servo, distance sensor, and randint to decide whether to turn left, right, or go backwards and turn randomly (if it is in a corner). It performed just as well in all different sizes of rooms (I used my dining room, hallway, kitchen, etc.) except that it couldn’t recognize very short objects. This was good for getting over hurdles but bad for not running into things. I was planning on using a bigger area to test, but I live in a small apartment, and I had a lot of stuff covering parts of my dining room and living room.
The motion looked really fluid and the robot does a great job navigating. The lights gives it an extra degree of fun and it’s overall a great project.
Thank you! If you are curious, the lights’ code is on our canvas page.
What a fun idea! I really like how quickly the robot is able to navigate the space. Does the fact that the distance sensor is mounted on a servo contribute to this efficiency?
it does a bit, but it isn’t necessary, as earlier models used small turns left/right instead, and worked just as well. It was mostly for safety reasons, as when the whole thing turned it had to run into the wall a bit, and that could cause damage.
Fun project. I was impressed with how easily the robot was able to move around without crashing into anything.
Thank you!
I like the use of colors and the way you robot avoided obstacles was impressive. The emergency stop was a good touch, too
Thank you! If you are curious, the code for the colors is on our canvas page.
I was really impressed by how the robot moved. It did a great job (except for the blooper) moving around and maneuvering through the room seemingly effortlessly. Great job with the lights too. This robot is awesome, especially with the world’s situation.
Thank you! I am glad that it cheered you up!
I loved the maneuverability of the robot. Throughout the course of the presetnation the robot only fell over once which is really good. Also, what is a rave?
A rave (from the verb: to rave) is an organized dance party at a nightclub, an outdoor festival, warehouse, or other private property or public spaces, typically featuring performances by DJs, playing a seamless flow of electronic dance music. (Wikipedia)
I love the ideas you had for this robot! I also love how it moves and avoids obstacles. It’s cool that it’s multi functional and could be used at parties. I would love to have a robot like this in my room!
Thank you! I am planning to release them on Amazon in 2084, so look forward to that!
This so cool!
Thank you!
The navigation on this project is really well done. Especially mounting the distance sensor on the servo!
Thank you! I used servo twitching to protect the robot from damage.
Really cool! Loved the lights and music combo.
Thank you!
Really great job not only creating a bot to navigate its space but also stacking on features as you did. A rave bot that doesn’t hit the wall, has really cool fade LEDs, and plays music? Incredible. You incorporated so much into this project and were able to have them all working smoothly in conjunction with each other! Good work!
Thank you!