FOIL (Fencing-Operated Imitation Listener)
FOIL (Fencing-Operated Imitation Listener)
A fencing robot that observes the movements of the fencer and returns its own output to make decisions of its own.
Parth and Sofia
The fencing robot has a GoPiGo with a cardboard body and plastic base. Attached is a distance sensor. If the fencer’s distance is too close, the robot will either attack or go back. If the fencer’s distance is far away, the robot will move closer.

This is awesome – perfect for practicing without a human partner. Could you add some additional sensors to track stats/hits etc. and use that to give the user feedback on their training?
Yes, I was planning to add a push sensor to it
I love the acronym! I think this is a very creative project, especially utilizing a 3D printer. How did you two work together remotely? Or were you in person?
We were working remotely by coding together
What was the hardest part when making this robot?
The hardest part was getting it to stand up and balance
It’s so reactive! It moves really smoothly, which is so cool since it’s such a large robot!
This is a great project! (Excuse my lack of fencing vocabulary but) when you hit the cardboard person, can the robot help it stand up again?
I tried to put hockey sticks to help it stay up and found that it was the best solution after a lot of trial and error
wow! was the most difficult part of this the coding or the building?
Both were challenging, but the building was harder
This is impressive! I didn’t think the motors were powerful enough to move the entire structure. Really nice how you added 3D printing to it.