
Automatic door opener

Automatic door opener

A device to turn my door nob remotely so I can open my door from my bed.


I have duct taped the GOPIGO to my door, and am using a motor to pull on a string which turns my door nob. The motor is hooked up to a button which I have created an extension chord for and put in my bed. I then have a string attached to my door to pull it open, and I keep a PVC pipe in my bead to push it closed again. I made this because my cats have a habit of getting themselves stuck in my room, either from me letting them in, or from them climbing into my room through my closet which is connected to my parents room, and then they are too dumb to climb back out through the closet. So this is so I can let them out without having to get up and stop whatever I am doing, be it reading, or trying to fall asleep, or doing hw.

5 thoughts on “Automatic door opener

  • Cool idea and impressive build! Do you think this could be voice activated? It could be a useful device for the elderly who could have trouble opening doors themselves but wouldn’t require a complete redo of their existing doors.

  • I like your use of duct tape to attach your robot to your door and I also thought the use of your motor was quite clever to to twist the handle

  • I love the extension wire to your bed! I see how this is a very practical way of opening your door to converse with people while not moving:)

  • This is a very good idea and I think it will be useful. How did you extend the wires for the button to reach your bed?

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