
Motorized, Remotely-Activated ball launcher

Motorized, Remotely-Activated ball launcher

Launches a plastic, colored ball at high speeds using duel motors and a servo


The launcher has two functions: Load and Fire. Load opens up the “chamber” of sorts for a human to load the ball. Fire closes the chamber, gets the motors up to speed, then uses the servo to shove the ball in-between wheels attached to the motors, launching it at high speeds. I have rigged a button to launch for manual operation. (NOTE: if you wish to recreate this, you will need to take the gearbox off of the motors — otherwise they spin too slow)

5 thoughts on “Motorized, Remotely-Activated ball launcher

  • Neat idea to remove the gear boxes from the motors to achieve higher speeds. Did you consider just gearing the motors using external gears instead of removing the internal gear box (just wondering if that would be easier for others to replicate). Have you thought about use cases for this design? Maybe as a reaction trainer for athletes or entertainment for a pet?

  • Cool! I liked the model use in the video, and the bot was surprisingly accurate in its shot. I’m curious how you could apply this to a real-world use. The re-design of the motors is impressive and the whole build is creative!

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