Robot To Entertain My Dog
Robot To Entertain My Dog
The robot is a rough attempt at an automatic ball launcher designed to play fetch with my dog.
Sydney Friedman
The base of the robot is the general build, but the servos have been moved to the top of the robot to flip a paper plate acting as the catapult like attachment. The light sensor is kept underneath the catapult-plate, and when the light green ball is placed on the plate, the light sensor is able to recognize it. After the ball’s presence is recognized, the servos move their attached structures, small poles make out of paper plates, in directions that push the plate up, effectively pushing the ball out of the plate and bouncing down and forward on the floor.

This is such a cool idea. Did you test with your dog? I like how you used the paper plate as a ball holder and launch mechanism. I’m curious what other kinds of launch systems you explored (spring loaded? Arm?)? Have you thought about adding a way for your dog to load the ball in too?
I want a doggo:)) and I know just how to entertain them now..
Your dog looks like it’s having so much fun with the robot!
I like the incorporation of a speaker along with the device so that not only will your dog be entertained, but you can also hear an audio clue to know when the robot is acting.
My dog would love this! Did you try to train your dog to put it back on the plate?
is there anything to keep dogs from just taking the ball and not bringing it back
Awesome! You could add a treat dispenser to reward the dog when it brought the ball back. I would love a robot to play with my pup!