Scripto-Bot 3000
Scripto-Bot 3000
The Scripto-Bot 3000 is able to write any word!
For my project, I designed a robot that uses its motors and rotating servos to write anything with a marker. I coded the motors to draw different combinations of straight lines to form letters. The servos were coded to rotate back and forth in order to stop drawing when the robot turns. I attached a marker to my robot with a cardboard tube to keep it in place and used rubber bands to attach it to the servos so that when they rotate, the marker will lift as the ends of the rubber bands are pulled.

Very cool – do you think you could add different fonts? Or a rotating set of markers so that every letter could be a different color? I like how you used the rubber bands to raise the marker.
I think adding fonts is possible and it sounds really cool! thank you!
That’s a great project – there is lots of room for expanding it. Making it recognize different types of characters from other languages, or using Machine Learning to learn how to mimic handwriting. I loved the idea!
Thank you 🙂
Wow! I love how “roboty” the font look. So impressive you got all the letters!
🙂 thanks
love this! could you program more words or series of phrases?
Yes, that was my plan, but I ran out of time!
Cool! Its really impressive you were able to write so accurately! In the future, you could program it to write a word you type in a box. It would take a lot of time, but that would be a really interesting and helpful real-world use!
Yeah, great idea! thanks 🙂
This is very impressive! What is the robot coded to do and how long did it take to code?
I coded the robot to draw letters (only a few because I ran out of time) and it was an input function, so I entered the word and the robot drew it! It took several hours.