Room Activity Tracker
Room Activity Tracker
This robot senses and processes when someone walks into and exits a room, tracking the activity and capacity, in hopes of gathering data for the researcher to later analyze in hopes of better implementing COVID-19 safety measures.
By Ranya
This robot is utilizing its distance and light sensor to track when someone walks into and exists a room. Not only does it take note of this data but with both pieces of data combined in the programming of this project, when analyzing the data graphs that are a production of the program, we can tell if someone either walks in or out and when. Using my prototype I am running a 20 second program, however, in reality this program can be run for a longer period of time. When creating this robot the idea was to create a way to collect data in regards to COVID-19 which then a researcher can use this data as evidence to increase safety measures in public areas. With these measure it is ideal to minimize contamination and the spreading of COVID-19, as well as an increase in social distancing.