
Parvus Rover

Parvus Rover

A small rover with a easy to use remote control interface.

By Evan.

The Parvus rover is a small yet great rover to use. The rover has a easy to use remote control interface that uses WASD to move. The wheels of the rover also allow it to travel over difficult terrain, as well as having a ram in the front to open push doors. The Parvus rover also has a flashlight strap on the top to allow use anywhere, anytime.

9 thoughts on “Parvus Rover

    • The robot has its own virtual desktop. When you run the code on the desktop, you can see the screen that is on the second photo with the camera image. After that, just use the W, A, S, and D key on your computer to make it move.

    • The robot travels at a moderate to slow pace. This results in the robot being able to go over bumps and rough surfaces with ease. (Like grass, carpet, rough tile floors)

  • I feel like this would be useful for people when they aren’t able to walk around but need to check on something in another space of their house. Awesome project!

  • I like your inclusion of a door ram. Are there other things you would want to add in the future to address other types of obstacles?

    • I would like to add more wheels to the end of the robot. This would result in it being much more stable and give it the ability to travel more effectively outside.

  • Hi Evan! I’m really impressed with your final product and the additional hardware features you mounted to your rover show a lot of thought and care for any situation the rover could have encountered (rough terrain, doors, little daylight). Programming in Pygame took a leap of faith into a software that most of the TAs haven’t even touched and so going about this involved some independent work, which you triumphed in a matter of days. I hope you keep adding features to this little bot! – Phoebe

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