Robot Racecar
Robot Racecar A robot car that follows a track and makes stops and turns. Dror The car uses the light
Read MoreRobot Racecar A robot car that follows a track and makes stops and turns. Dror The car uses the light
Read MoreSnack Protector: Bastion of Gluttony Defending my snacks from all would be thieves (aka my siblings) Thomas The Snack Protector!
Read MoreAutomated Tomato-Ripeness Detector A robot that accurately identifies and differentiates between ripe, unripe, or rotten tomatoes. Ella To most people,
Read MoreBall Following Robot with Swivel Camera! A Robot that identifies and follows a ball. Erik The camera constantly takes pictures
Read MoreDrivable GoPiGo to Do Things Doing tasks by driving the GoPiGo around with a game controller. Gunnar The main goal
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