Tufts Career Fair

We invite faculty and staff to stop by Gantcher on Friday, September 23, for a light lunch with employers, many of whom are Tufts Alumni. Lunch will be available immediately before the career fair. You are also invited to come to the career fair to re-connect with alumni and employers.

Tufts Career Fair, Friday, September 23, 2011
Gantcher Center
Employer and Faculty lunch 11:30-12:30pm
Tufts Career Fair 12:30-4:00pm (open to Tufts students)

Students ~ from first year through graduate level ~ can attend this annual event, our largest of the year. More than 100 organizations have registered, representing Communications, Consulting, Education, Engineering/Computer Science/Technology, Finance, Government/Law, Healthcare, Non-Profits, Sciences, and more.  These employers are recruiting for full-time positions as well as internships.  To see a breakdown by industry of who’s attending the Career Fair, go to http://careers.tufts.edu/students/careerfair.asp
Campus Recruiting Program
For your seniors, please note that employers are already visiting campus to interview candidates. For a preview of employers participating in our campus recruiting program and to see their opportunities and deadlines, please go to Campus Recruiting

Keep Informed
To hear what we’re offering students on a continual basis, we invite you to subscribe to our weekly eNews by emailing jean.papalia@tufts.edu or you may view it at http://careers.tufts.edu/students/ (click “enews”.)   Click here for a printable list of our career programs, networking events and grad school prep workshops this fall. And our Google Calendar will provide the latest info at http://careers.tufts.edu/calendar/.

Here is a list of companies that are attending who have listed themselves as part of the Environmental Industry.

Environment America
Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.
Jewish National Fund
Roux Associates
Weston & Sampson Engineers
Woodard and Curran

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