Environmental Communications Internship with Friends of the Middlesex Fells

Environmental Communications Internship

Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation https://www.friendsofthefells.org/
Goal:  Improve and expand the online communications presence of the Friends of the Fells, particularly with video production.
Specifics:  Since COVID-19 has eliminated our ability to run in-person nature and historical programs, the Friends of the Fells has begun a YouTube channel to fill the gap, and have created four short (1-4 minute) videos to date, with several more in production.

This internship would involve building upon and improving our online communications presence, in one or more of the following ways:

  • Producing more videos along the lines of those already produced, including scheduling with the subjects of the interview, editing, and publishing.
  • Identifying other potential subjects
  • Creating videos featuring yourself as the expert, if you’d rather be in front of the camera rather than behind
  • Creating alternative approaches to online communications regarding environmental science and/or advocacy topics
  • Editing or collaborating with other Friends of the Fells volunteers
  • Working as a team with another Tufts intern

The work can be self-directed based on the interests of the intern. We will work with the intern to structure a project that meets the needs of our organization and your own creative vision.


  • The intern would need to provide their own video recording equipment ( A smartphone will likely be adequate) and a computer on which to edit the video. If you have your own sound recording equipment, that’s a plus, but we can arrange for a loan of this equipment. Depending on how social distancing requirements evolve over the semester, there may be opportunities to become a member of one of the community access TV stations that provide equipment loans and instruction–however, right now these stations are closed.
  • Experience with video production is preferable, but part of the internship could be used for you to learn video production techniques. 

Outcome:  Depending on the direction the internship takes, the result will be a portfolio of communications suitable for sharing with job or graduate program applications.  You will develop video and/or other communications skills, and get an opportunity to exercise your creative vision.
Applying:  In a few paragraphs, please:

  • Explain how you would structure this internship to improve the Friends of the Fells video or other communications;
  • Describe the outcome at the end of the semester
  • Tell us the relevant skills you bring to the opportunity, and what skills you may need to develop. 
  • What equipment you have at your disposal or may need to borrow.

Completed applications should be emailed to Jeff Buxbaum, chair of the Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation, at jeff.buxbaum@gmail.com

This internship is unpaid.