Career Resources

The following information is information to assist you in preparing for internship and job opportunities.

Research Opportunities

Biology Department Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate Research at Tufts


Graduate Opportunities

IPCC Scholarship Programme


International Opportunities

Building Understanding through International Learning and Development (BUILD)

Engineers without Borders

United Nations Jobs & Internships


Scholarship Opportunities

Empower Program for Social Entrepreneurs


General Opportunities

Making the Difference: Your Source for Finding Federal Jobs and Internships

Tufts Career Advisory Network (Tufts CAN)

Tufts Internship Profiles

Tufts University Career Services

Tufts Finding and Funding Summer Internships

Career guide in Forestry

When looking for internships and volunteer positions to benefit your career, remember that in the United States the Department of Labor has guidelines to protect student interns.

US Department of Labor: Fact Sheet #17


Relevant Articles

Potential career paths in Biology and Environmental Sciences by the Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Great Intern Debate by Allie Grasgreen, Inside Higher Ed

US Labor Department Releases New Rules for ‘Educational’ Internships by Sara Lipka, Chronical of Higher Education

Is Your Unpaid Internship Legal? by Jenna Johnson, Washington Post

Unpaid Internship Regulations: US Department of Labor Releases New Criteria by Leah Finnegan, Huffington Post

Labor and Unemployment Law Blog: Unpaid Internships-Common but Illegal