Research Centers

The Fletcher School lists 13 research centers, institutes, and programs that organize faculty and students who work on tackling some of the globe’s most difficult challenges. Focused on international law and diplomacy, some of the research centers are concerned with food, the environment, demographic transitions, international partnerships, and resource management. The research centers listed here are the ones we believe make impacts through their work on food systems. If you believe a research center not listed here does work relating to food systems, let us know!

Center for International Environment and Resource Policy develops innovative approaches to shift global development onto an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable path. The Center conducts scholarly research on today’s environmental and resource challenges to provide empirical evidence for academics and policy makers. The CIERP includes the Climate Policy Lab and partners with Tufts CREATE Solutions and includes faculty from across the schools at Tufts.

Center for International Law and Governance seeks to make the case for global partnership and cooperation when dealing with global challenges. With faculty from the Fletcher School, the CILG focuses on areas like economic relations, security, migration, the environment and technological change. The Center conducts research on policy gaps and recommendations in these areas.

Maritime Studies Program considers a wide range of issues including maritime strategy, BlueTech, sustainable fishing, offshore energy, piracy, and global trade flows. Maritime studies is an intrinsically international and interdisciplinary field that brings together many of the pieces that make up food systems, such as resource management, international law and cooperation, energy, human development, and climate change. The Maritime Studies Program partners with other institutes at Tufts such as the Tufts Institute of the Environment and the CIERP.