Our seminar meets Tuesdays at 4:30 in JCC 502. Talks are in person and also streamed on Zoom. You can subscribe to the GGTT mailing list at https://elist.tufts.edu/sympa/info/ggtt for details and announcements. The seminar organizers are Corey Bregman, Nima Hoda, Kim Ruane and Genevieve Walsh.

Sept 10Corey Bregman (Tufts)Cannon's conjecture for cubulated hyperbolic groups
Abstract: We show that cubulated hyperbolic groups with spherical boundary of dimension 3 or at least 5 are virtually fundamental groups of closed, orientable, aspherical manifolds, provided that there are sufficiently many quasi-convex, codimension-1 subgroups whose limit sets are locally flat subspheres. The proof is based on ideas used by Markovic in his work on Cannon’s conjecture for cubulated hyperbolic groups with 2-sphere boundary. This is joint work with M. Incerti-Medici.
Sept 17 Trent Lucas (Brown)Mapping class groups of 3-manifolds and branched covers
Abstract: Given a branched cover of manifolds, one can lift homeomorphisms along the cover to obtain a (virtual) homomorphism of mapping class groups.  An important theorem of Birman-Hilden and MacLachlan-Harvey says that this lifting map is injective for most finite regular branched covers of surfaces.  Margalit-Winarski asked whether one could prove an analogous result for 3-manifolds.  In this talk, we answer this question by showing that in contrast to the surface case, the lifting map is not injective for most branched covers of 3-manifolds.   This includes double covers of S^3 branched over an unlink, which generalize the hyperelliptic branched covers of S^2; for these covers, we describe the kernel of the lifting map.  In these examples, the lifting map is closely related to a natural map between symmetric automorphism groups of free products.
Sept 24Thomas Ng (Brandeis)TBA
Oct 1
Oct 8
Oct 15
Oct 22
Oct 29Rachael Boyd (University of Glasgow)
Nov 5No SeminarElection Day
Nov 12No SeminarMonday schedule on Tuesday
Nov 19
Nov 26
Dec 3