Green Chimneys Documentation Report now available!
As part of an ongoing collaboration with the Institute for Human-Animal Connection at the University of Denver, TIHAI Co-Director Dr. Megan Mueller is a member of the research team studying the impact of animal- and nature-based programs at Green Chimneys, a residential treatment and special education facility for students with serious psychosocial challenges. Phase I of the study involved the completion of a detailed documentation report of the school’s programming. The research team first conducted a comprehensive review of the relevant research literature to evaluate the impact of nature-based interventions on the social-emotional learning and positive youth development of children and adolescents with psycho-social and special education needs. Research team members then directly observed Green Chimneys’ programming to gain further understanding of the diverse nature-based interventions offered to students and their apparent effects.
Read more about the study’s recent findings and download the full Green Chimneys documentation report here.